Capgemini Analyst Interview Experience | Experience 2
Date -14 May 2021 Duration - 25 mins Technical Questions Q1. what is RDBMS. An RDBMS is a type of database management system (DBMS) that stores data in a row-based table structure which connects related data elements. An RDBMS includes functions that maintain the security, accuracy, integrity and consistency of the data. This is different than the file storage used in a DBMS. Q2. How to find maximum and minimum salary from table. SELECT MAX(SALARY) FROM TABLENAME; SELECT MIN(SALARY) FROM TABLENAME; Q3. What is the difference between array and linked list. Array : An array is a collection of elements of a similar data type. Array elements store in a contiguous memory location. Linked List : A linked list is a collection of objects known as a node where node consists of two parts, i.e., data and address. Linked list elements can be stored anywhere in the memory or randomly stored. Q4.What is a data structure? A data structure is a particular way of organizing data ...