Infosys System Engineer Interview Experience - 1


Company -  Infosys
Date          -  8 JULY  2021 
Branch     -  Electrical engineering
Duration  -  15 MINS

Check Youtube Playlist for Infosys Interview

Q1. Introduce yourself.

The first question in most of the interviews is usually to introduce yourself.Prepare a crisp answer about the things you have done,technologies you work on,internships and projects you have about anything you are confident about.this answer will decide the further questions of the interviewer and will give a direction to your,don't forget to mention about your most confident skills and anything you want to discuss and talk about.

Sample Answer:

hello , My name is XYZ from ABC college IT branch.In my 4 years at college I have worked to explore both technical and non technical part in me.I have worked with PQR firm where i have worked on android development. My major work was to work on the UI part of the application. Along with that I have participated in various hackathons and coding challenges. I have worked on few personal projects in my college like...(mention 1-2 in short).

Tips: talk about your confident part in a very humble way.Introduction part can take up  around 2-3 mins. 

Q2. What are joins?

Sql join statements allow us to access information from two or more tables at once.

  • (INNER) JOIN: Returns dataset that have matching values in both tables
  • LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the left table and matched records from the right s
  • RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records from the right table and the matched records from the left
  • FULL (OUTER) JOIN: Returns all records when there is a match in either the left table or right table 

Q3.What is cartesian join?

CARTESIAN JOIN: The CARTESIAN JOIN is also known as CROSS JOIN. In a CARTESIAN JOIN there is a join for each row of one table to every row of another table. This usually happens when the matching column or WHERE condition is not specified.
  • In the absence of a WHERE condition the CARTESIAN JOIN will behave like a CARTESIAN PRODUCT . i.e., the number of rows in the result-set is the product of the number of rows of the two tables.
  • In the presence of WHERE condition this JOIN will function like a INNER JOIN.
  • Generally speaking, Cross join is similar to an inner join where the join-condition will always evaluate to True

Q4. Explain about your project.

Youtube video for project explanation in Interview

Follow STAR approach in answering the questions. 

1.Project Introduction
Give an introduction of your project, what problem you tried to solve with your project.

2.Modules Description:
Divide your project in various modules and describe modules to the interviewer.

3.Advantages and main functionality of your project
describe your main functionality of the project and main problem you want to solve.

4.Tools,Technologies and platform used
This is also a very important aspect when explaining a project. Tools, Technologies, and platforms used will help the interviewer understand better about the working of the project. As well as it will create an impact on how new is your project. Try to explain it very short and be to the point.

5.Personal Contribution in the project
Interviewer is interested to know what have you done in the project and what part you have worked on.

Q5. How you utilised your lockdown period?

You may talk about-

Setting your Routine: Plan out your day in a systematic manner – prioritize your work so that you don’t miss out important tasks or procrastinate your assignments or studies. Make the goal and work accordingly. 

Be Creative: You can explore your hobbies and plan out creative activities that may unleash the potential by trying hands on your favourite passion. One can use the time to work out on the creative side of the personality and allocate dedicated time to practice it.

De-Stress Yourself: There are various ways to de-stress and utilize the lockdown period. You may choose to do Mediation or Yoga to relive not only the physical but also the internal soul and thoughts.

Research and Projects: The lockdown has provided enough time for students to engross themselves in initiating the new projects or complete their pending research by writing quality articles.

Q6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

This is one of the questions you will see in many interviews. With this the interviewer wants to know what are your professional goals in next 5 years, what are your goals and aspirations and will the company be able to offer what you are looking for. So, get clear about your career goals so that you sound confident when you answer this question to the interviewer.

Sample answer:

A few of the goals I’ve set for myself over the next few years include becoming a senior  software developer and would work on major projects and gain knowledge in the same. I’m excited about the opportunities this job would provide me, as I believe they will support my long-term career goals and allow me to grow.


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